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I am interested in contributing at Goodlife on a Sunday...
On a Sunday morning we would love some friendly faces welcoming people into and throughout the building. This is a 1 in 4 week roster with a 9:30am - 10:15am time commitment.
Every Sunday morning our amazing Kids Team, lead by Terasa Hardie, transform the Seminar Rooms (& creche) into a safe and fun space for all Kids aged 1 to grade 6. Currently, we host around 80 kids each Sunday and excitingly numbers are going up. We need more dedicated adults who are keen to love and serve our community by helping to facilitate this space. We require all types of personalities and skills, from upfront confident leaders to run games, to background helpers for individual support, setup, packdown and group facilitation. Team members must be eligible for a Blue Card and willing to complete Child Safety training. This is a 1 in 6-week commitment from 9-11:30am.
We are a team of musicians, vocalists, photographers, videographers, sound engineers, visual artists and songwriters who love to use our talents to glorify God. Being a part of the team is a weekly commitment as we meet each Wednesday night for rehearsal/team nights, as well as serving on a roster for Sunday. The best way to get involved is to start coming along to our Wednesday nights (7pm on the upstairs Function room); this way you can get to know the team and we can get to know you.
On a Sunday morning we would love some friendly faces out in the carpark, welcoming people to our church and assisting them to find a park. This is a 1 in 6 week roster with a 9:30 - 10:15am time commitment.
We are currently seeking one more couple/person to help on our tea and coffee roster. This would require a 1 in 6 week commitment with an awesome online roster which allows the flexibility to swap and allocate weeks of unavailability for holidays etc. Setup begins at 9:15am prior to the 10am gathering with service and packdown from 11:15am.
What a privilege it is to stand in prayer for one another; to celebrate and affirm, to petition and intercede. If you love to pray we invite you to join the rostered prayer team available after the Sunday service who minister to those that respond.
Our Young Adults ministry is launching in 2025, including weekly Sunday night services. Led by Joren and Laura, we are looking for people to join the team to facilitate and serve. This could include welcoming people at the door, hosting the service, setting up chairs, manning a sound desk, helping prepare food and any other roles that might pop up for events. The commitment can vary, but we aim to roster people once or twice a month. Sunday night set up team arrive between 2.30- 3pm. Chat to us about what excites you and we can get you involved in serving our young adults in a role that you’re passionate about.
Our Young Adults ministry is launching lots of new things in 2025, including weekly Thursday bible nights! Led by Joren and Laura, we are looking for people to join the team to facilitate and serve at these events. This could include welcoming people at the door, setting up chairs, and any other roles that might pop up as events are organised. The commitment can vary based on the individual, but we aim to roster people once or twice a month in a certain area. Thursday bible night team will arrive at 5pm for set up. Chat to us about what excites you and we can get you involved in serving our young adults in a role that you’re passionate about
We would love to have some additional helpers for our occassional events and post church lunches. If you are skilled at the BBQ or just love hospitality, we’d love to chat.
We are also interested in having volunteers in the Cafe on a Sunday morning who would be trained in how to use the til and support our Baristas
On a Sunday, youth from our church gather for fun, games, and are equipped to while experiencing the love of the Goodlife Community expressed through our team. Lead by our Youth Pastor Intern, Isaac Hall, this is a fun and rewarding team to be part of. This is a weekly commitment with team members helping setup and pack down the program which runs from 9:30am to 11:30am. Team members must be eligible for a Blue Card and willing to complete Child Safety training